project nic

As the orphan care ministry of Heart of Life Church, Project Nic partners with us on five of our eight shelters. Two of them are located in Myanmar, one in Nepal, one in China, one in India, as well as partial support for our Taiwan shelter. In total, they help provide for the material, educational, and spiritual needs of 252 kids as of Q4 2023.

The Crossing

Located in Columbia, Missouri, The Crossing Church partnered with us on our other shelter in southern India. As of Q4 2022, this shelter houses boys, with a new shelter building recently constructed. Since its completion, this shelter is now be capable of providing for the material, educational, and spiritual needs of up to 25 kids.

NeCo Seed Farms

A seed supplier and distributor from Garden City, Missouri, NeCo Seed Farms financially supports seven Burmese missionary families who are associated with one of our shelters in Myanmar. These missionary families have moved across the country, even to islands off the coast, to plant churches and start youth programs in unreached communities.

An yao’s home

Based out of northern Taiwan, An Yao’s Home is a church that partners with us on a shelter in Myanmar, which provides for the needs of 22 kids as of Q4 2023. Additionally, they have been supportive of the Burmese missionary families associated with another one of our Myanmar shelters.

Pastor Lee Family

Pastor Lee and his family reside in Taiwan, supporting missionaries and one of the Myanmar shelters. Pastor Lee, his older children, and his in-laws help financially, as well as providing onsite spiritual training in Myanmar.

Become a Partner

If you have a new shelter opportunity that you are seeking a partner for, or if you want to support an already-existing shelter, please fill out the form below. One of our directors will get back to you with a response as soon as possible.