At Orphan’s Hope World Mission, we provide for the material, educational, and spiritual needs of orphans around the globe.
9 shelters
in 6 countries
94% of donations
go directly to shelters
309 kids
served in shelters
7 families
supported as missionaries
OUR Model
Orphan’s Hope World Mission operates on a 50/50 cost-share model to fund each of our shelters. While we have a number of financial partners who split the costs of any given shelter with us, OHWM always has a 50 percent stake in each shelter’s funding. This funding and management model has proven to be highly flexible and replicable across different countries and circumstances.
Each shelter also has an on-the-ground director who manages its day-to-day operations. They are always natives of the country, familiar with its specific social and economic issues, and practicing Christians. Shelter directors are essential in providing for the material, educational, and spiritual needs of the kids each day.
OHWM provides the kids with their basic needs, such as food, water, and shelter. In addition, they are supplied with any medications or vitamins they may need, which varies from shelter to shelter and kid to kid. For example, one of our shelters in India has a high number of HIV-positive young people, who need require special supplements and medication to survive. At our China shelter, however, there a large number of special needs kids, whose medical needs are much different.
We ensure that the kids in our shelters receive a proper education. Again, educational circumstances vary from shelter to shelter and kid to kid. At some of our shelters, we hire tutors to supplement the kids’ education after school. At others, we host extracurricular activities that supplement the public education they receive. Additionally, we support “practical education” when financially possible. For example, we sponsored six young entrepreneurs in our India shelter to get sewing machines to earn their own income and develop valuable skills.
At OHWM shelters, we strive to nourish the spiritual needs of the kids. While each shelter differs, this generally includes daily devotionals, worship, and taking the them to church. Additionally, our shelter directors, their families, and staff provide a loving environment and support network that would otherwise be missing from the kids’ lives. Providing for their material, educational, and spiritual needs is meant to be a holistic ministry pointing them, and their communities, to Christ’s love for them.